This is a Beta Release! Interactive materials are not accessible yet but you should be able to practice for your exams online.

Our Story

The project has come into being to address some of the glaring problems existent in the Nepalese education system.  These problems include: (a) low performance in high stake exams; (b) lack of quality in education, especially in public schools and (c) potentially the most important is the weak academic foundations of the students. 

The project leaders have garnered sufficient experience to understand the needs, through operation of Bloom Nepal School network for seven years as well as through extensive reflections on  learning habits of students and the exam results.

In Nepal, high stake exams have extreme importance, in the sense that the results determine academic and professional career trajectory. However, due to disparities in quality of education across school types (mainly public vs private) as well as quality of education in general, many students are not prepared enough to take high stake exams. 

Moreover, due to liberal promotion policy, it is often the case that students who are in class 10 have not acquired basic skills needed even for primary level. Students struggle particularly in mathematics and sciences. 

It was hence important to create a system, which can provide a good one to one care that can understand the learning needs and build up learning paths, based on learning gaps, which can potentially use the powers of the latest technology in artificial intelligence to help students learn better, through making them focus on areas that they need to focus the most on. 

The system works for all types of students- without any base, average or even the best of the best students.