This is a Beta Release! Interactive materials are not accessible yet but you should be able to practice for your exams online.

  • Content
  • Payment
  • How It Works
  • Other

Do you have redundant content ?

Absolutely not. We keep a deep focus on the exams, and use either questions asked in exams or questions prepared by the test-setters.

What syllabus do you follow ?

The content and QAs are completely guided by the latest syllabus, prescribed by the concerned government authority. Example could be Curriculum Development Center (CDC) for Secondary Education Examinations (SEE).

Can there be errors in your content ?

The beta version will likely contain errors. Please report us to them, so that we can fix them before making an official release. When an official release has been done, there should be no errors. The content will be updated and revised by professionals. We will reward any reported incidence of errors, with a cash prize (Rs 10 per error). This is to keep up with our vision of providing the best quality learning materials for learners taking high stake examinations.

How often do you update your content ?

The regular content is updated annually. Errors on the other hand get updated instantaneously, when found.

How do I report a mistake found ?

You can email screenshot of compromised content to

Can I learn in groups ?

Learning in groups is a great idea for pushing up your speed. We have not yet incorporated this feature into our portal. You can alternately, invite your friends to join the portal. This way everybody can reap benefits. You can practice offline, in groups, with questions which can be downloaded from the portal.

What do you track my learning habits ?

This is based on data collected from all your previous engagements with the portal-questions attempted, ratio of success in these questions. time duration it has taken for you to master a concept and performance in time-bound full-length exams.

How can I contribute to the betterment of the system?

We are humbled that you wish to play your part in creating the best product. For this, please email us your ideas on your experience basically - what went good, what did not go so well, and what additional features would be needed to make your learning fast and enjoyable.

How do I report issues with login ?

You can email your concerns to

Who do I reach out if I have questions ?

You can email questions to

Does it cost money to use your system ?

Basic modules are completely free. However, you will incur charges if you opt for premium services. However, these charges are not applicable for Beta Release.